Cargo & Container Claims

Cargo & Container Claims
SVM's Container claims function includes registration of claims by agents, regional users and L&R, and processing the same. Identifying the liable party to claim the extent of damage from either liable party or from the club.
SVM's Container Claims also have provision to apportion of recovery amount between club and shipping company by applying different rules as applicable.
Cargo Claims involve the following functionalities:
Voyage Details: This is a master used by the Liner to maintain the Voyage details.
Pre Survey: Pre-survey is initiated by Agents/Liner to judge the nature of damage of the Bookings/BLs of the respective existing voyage.
Cargo Claims System: Cargo claims system enables the users to update the claims information on receipt of claim from the authorized Shipper/Consignee and inform the P & I Club; claims information includes cargo claims information, Survey information, claims party details, claims details, recovery details, validity period and payment details.

Claim Management System
Streamline the claim management process workflow with ease

Cargo Claims
Enables the users to register & update the claims information such cargo information, survey information, claims party details, claims details, recovery details, validity period and payment details.

Container Claims
Captures container damage incident information, incident location, registration of claims, handling claim status, claim payment details and enables the identification of the liable party.

H&M Claims
Captures incidents involving damage or loss of insured vessels/machinery and equipment as well as property claims made by or pursued against third parties. H&M claims guides the user to capture all the required information the damage details.

Other Claims
Registration of other claims by the regional users and L&R, and processing the same. Provides information about legal proceedings. It maintains various records about the payments, recoveries, and dues from different stakeholders involved