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The Liner industry requires a solution to understand EDIFACT Message to know the specific position of stowed cargoes with various parameters; Size, Type, IMO Class, UN Number, Hazardous Cargo, etc.,

SVM BAPLIE – Solverminds has developed a standalone SVM BAPLIE Viewer tool, for shipping lines to view the EDI files without modifying the source. Multi-file formats are supported and a quick export and import option for navigating the rows and columns of the BAPLIE EDI files.

baplie viewer

2D | 3D Baplie Viewer Terms and Conditions

  • 10MB of Maximum data can be saved for free Users
  • Solverminds Doesn’t manipulate or share the data with any other entity
  • Solverminds doesn’t store or access the data of users.
  • Web Version & Desktop Versions are available
  • Additional features shall be added as the product evolves.
  • Roadmap will be Published Soon.

Features Offering

Allows looking through BAPLIE encoded files, as easily viewable spreadsheets

Does not require any special program/software for installation

Just run the SVM BAPLIE Viewer setup file to decode seamlessly

Business Benefits

Container number/operator

Cell position (Stowage)

Size and Type/Weight / VGM weights

Full / Empty signs

IMO Class/UN number of hazardous cargo

Port of loading & discharge

The temperature of refrigerated goods

SVM BAPLIE Viewer Introduction

Solverminds (SVM) has developed a standalone SVM BAPLIE Viewer tool, which helps the Container Shipping Lines to decode and display the contents of BAPLIE Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) files. SVM BAPLIE Viewer helps to review the contents of the BAPLIE EDI File without modifying the contents of the source file.


  • Allows you to look through BAPLIE encoded files, as easily viewable spreadsheets.
  • Does not require any special programs / software for installation.
  • Just run the SVM BAPLIE Viewer setup file to decode seamlessly.

Users just upload the BAPLIE EDI Files and get back the list of container details.

Users can decode the various file formats of SMDG15/BAPLIE 1.5, SMDG20/BAPLIE 2.0, SMDG22/BAPLIE 2.2 and SMDG31/BAPLIE 3.1 with the newly upgraded interface from SVM BAPLIE Viewer.

SVM BAPLIE Viewer provides details of the container such as:

  • Container Number
  • Cell Position (Stowage)
  • Size and Type
  • Weight / VGM Weights
  • Full / Empty signs
  • IMO Class
  • UN number of Hazardous Cargo
  • Operator
  • Port of Loading & Discharge
  • Temperature of Refrigerated goods.

SVM BAPLIE Viewer is not limited by the line terminator. Even if there is no line terminator, the EDI will be read completely and converted by the SVM BAPLIE Viewer tool. Upon uploading a BAPLIE file, the tool validates the file and lets you know if there are any incorrect or missing segments which may prevent the file from being read and converted.

SVM BAPLIE Viewer provides a quick Upload-and-Export option which provides the opportunity to navigate the rows and columns of the BAPLIE EDI format from one position to another as simple as scroll and mouse click.

Technical Specifications

  • Operating System : Windows (32 / 64 bit)
  • Runtime environment : JRE version 1.6/1.7/1.8)
  • System Memory : Minimum 2GB
  • Application memory : 650MB
  • Windows Permission : Read/Write access (program installed path)


JAVA Runtime Environment

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 / 1.7/ 1.8 version

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel (2007/2010/2013/2016) or Open Office

Installation Setup

Download Version 1.5.1

“It’s free for use, for further enquiries about this product, please contact svmhelpdesk@solverminds.com

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    Is there any file limitation to upload?

    Yes, only “.EDI” and “.TXT” extension files can be uploaded.

    Is there any default unit to handle weight?

    Yes, T – Tonne is the Default weight of the tool and CWT (UK), CWT (US), etc, are also supported.

    What is the use of Custom Report?

    “Custom Report helps to slice and dice the information that are available in the BAPLIE file and displays a standard view of the tool.”

    How to find the DG or Reefer or OOG containers?

    “In the main grid, there are flags to identify the DG, OOG and the Reefer containers and the same can be extracted as a report from IMDG List for DG, Reefer List for Reefer and OOG Cargo Summary for OOG containers.”

    Can the system handle multiple DG?

    Yes, system can handle multiple DG’s in a container and display the custom report in “IMDG List”.

    Does the system have provision to view all the details of a container?

    Yes, using the “Container Data” report user can view all the details of a container.

    Does the system have provision to view the commodity details and Group Type of container?

    “Yes, using the “Container Data” report user can view all the commodity details and Group Type of containers.”

    Is it possible to install SVM BAPLIE Viewer via command prompt?

    Yes, it is possible to install SVM BAPLIE viewer via command prompt.

    Is it possible to install specific device manager families in the command prompt?

    Yes, system allows to install specific device managers as per requirement.

    Does the system administrator guidance required to install this BAPLIE Viewer?

    Not needed, it can be installed with the help of installation video.

    Will the system allow to run a anti-virus software when downloading and installing the SVM BAPLIE Viewer?

    Yes, system allows to run the anti-virus software while installing SVM BAPLIE Viewer.

    How to download and install the SVM BAPLIE Viewer?

    It can be download from www.solverminds.com and installed using the installation video provided in the same website.

    Is the usage of spaces, special characters in path names allowed while saving the installation file?

    Yes, special characters are allowed while saving the path of the SVM BAPLIE viewer file.

    How to uninstall the SVM BAPLIE Viewer?

    “Uninstalling SVM BAPLIE Viewer is same as uninstalling general stand alone software installed in system.”

    System allows to upgrade the SVM BAPLIE viewer version after installing the software?

    Yes, multiple versions can be installed but only one at a time.

    Whether this application is supported for Linux and Mac?

    No, it is not supported for Linux and MAC.

    Is it possible to specify a UNC path as the target install directory?

    Yes, UNC path can be specified.

    Why system doesn’t allow to enter Vessel, Voyage/Leg or Port details?

    “While opening the EDI file, the values like Vessel, Voyage/Leg, Port, BAPLIE Format and Weight Unit gets displayed. These fields cannot be entered by the users manually.”

    From where the ISO codes are fetched from?

    ISO codes are fetched from Utility screens.

    When there exists multiple containers in upload EDI file, in that how to find whether the particular container is DG specific via front grid?

    “To overcome this we have provided the IS DG column, where the DG containers are
    marked individually.”

    When multiple DG exists for same container then how to find those details?

    Using IMDG list, can sort all those information involved in that container in detail.

    How to fetch the latest processed EDI file?

    Using the file option, can fetch the latest 5 processed EDI file.

    Which DG information will be displayed in container data window in case if there is more than one DG?

    The container data window displays the first DG information involved in that container.

    How to track the DG containers related information based on class?

    Using the IMDG cargo summary the class wise information could be verified in detail.

    How to find the commodity which is involved in the container BAPLIE?

    “New column is available in the main grid to show the commodity involved in the
    particular container.”

    Road Map

    • 2020

    • Nov

      SVM BAPLIE Viewer V1.5.1

      Get IMDG information for your loaded BAPLIE file specific to:

      • UN number
      • Hazardous code

      View details of Full cargo plan report with much ease and handy:

      • Zoom in and Zoom out
      • All twin bays per page
    • 2017

    • Nov

      SVM BAPLIE Viewer V1.5

      • Edit and modify the loaded BAPLIE information in the application
      • Download BAPLIE information in EDI file format and compatible with SMDG 15, 20, 22 and 31
      • Split and download the BAPLIE Information in EDI file format by Operator / Load Port / Discharge Port
    • Aug

      SVM BAPLIE Viewer V1.4

      • Design your customized reports
      • Decimal round off configuration will be available in Data table and Excel download
      • Option to choose "Port Name” or “Port Code” while generating the reports
      • Load port summary by operator; break down of cargo on board by operator, loading and discharge port
    • Apr

      VERSION 1.3.1 Public Release

      • Cargo summary will be enhanced to generate report based on Port of Load / Port of Discharge.
      • The new utility "IMDG Class Remap" will be provided to configure the various type of hazardous codes with subsidiary risk and sub label. This configuration will be used in "Analysis of container Data Report" to capture the error message of "Container with Incorrect IMDG class".
    • Mar

      VERSION 1.3 Public Release

      • Bay view configuration (Row, Deck and In-hold)
      • Empty stowage handling
      • Display of BAPLIE File Information
      • Online Help & Support
    • Feb

      VERSION 1.2 Public Release

      • Bay View
      • Full Cargo Plan
      • Stack Weight Summary
      • Bays printout
      • Container Data Analysis
      • Transversal Weight distribution
    • 2016

    • Nov

      VERSION 1.1 Public Release

      • Option to view recent uploaded files (Maximum 5 files)
      • General statistics for Tonnage sheet, Weight, Units and TEUs
      • Custom Report for IMDG Details
    • Oct

      VERSION 1.0 Public Release

      • ISO and Port details will be maintained in the property files and the same details can be viewed in the data grid.
      • Slot loss configuration will be maintained in the property to calculate the slot loss based on the BAPLIE data.
      • Slice and dice feature will be implemented to view the BAPLIE data.
      • User manual will be provided in Help menu.
      • Various reports* can be generated from the uploaded BAPLIE file.

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